Usesvarious methodssuch as transport, portability,
ground installation, and vehiclemountto block illegal
droneintrusion into specific facilities and areas.

a specialized company that manufactures radio wave blocking equipment that meets customer needs.
Usesvarious methodssuch as transport, portability,
ground installation, and vehiclemountto block illegal
droneintrusion into specific facilities and areas.
Establishes the system using jamming techniques, such as the
interception of radio waves, blocking of wiretapping and
eavesdropping, and GPS anti-jamming system test equipment.
Expandsuser subscription servicesnotby constructing additional
base stations butbyeconomicallyandremotelytransmitting base
station signals to places located in remote and signal-unavailableareas.
I collected photos of Samjeong Solution Co., Ltd.'s exhibition and exhibition.
Introducesour major customers who are growing together with us.
Exploreourcertificates and patents.
506, Saneop-ro 198, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea